miyoga One-on-One classes are designed to assist you to maximise results from your physical training sessions and to introduce you to the methods of attaining results that you desire.
All of my One-on-One classes are individually tailored to suit your specific requirements. I take into account your current levels of fitness and ability and discuss with you the goals that you want to achieve. I then set a realistic timetable and work with you to reach the milestones that we decide together. During this process you won’t only learn new things but you will develop a real sense of personal achievement. And you most probably will really enjoy yourself.
The reasons you should consider miyoga One-on-One training are many but most importantly with your high level of commitment you will develop good habits, receive motivation from a new source (initially me but as your levels of fitness improve you will learn to motivate yourself more effectively), discover new ideas about nutrition, be held accountable for your fitness commitment and waste less time in achieving results.
You can choose from:
- Personal Training. My classes are designed to work towards achieving the realistic results you want. Every body is different and with my skills and experience I will help you with your unique requirements and avoid injury during the process.
- Injury recovery PT: I can work with recommendations from your GP or physiotherapist to assist you to achieve expected levels of recovery from injury.
- Yoga: If you haven’t tried yoga perhaps now is the time to. Through the correct training you will experience increased flexibility, improved muscle strength and tone, possible weight reduction, improved cardio and circulatory health as well as develop a protection from injury.
- Meditation: We all talk about our physical health and fitness but increasingly we are becoming aware of improving our mental fitness. Meditation is the secret ingredient in achieving total balance. It reduces bad stress, eases anxiety, enhances self-awareness, improves attention span, can generate kindness and tolerance for ourselves and others and may assist with overcoming addiction.
For more information please phone me on 0419 338 941 or use the form on my Contacts page.